Many divorcing couples desire to resolve their divorce, property distribution, child custody and support issues without the need to litigate. For those families who are interested in focusing on the needs of the children and the interests of each party, Attorney Mehaffie is trained to represent clients in collaborative law cases.
The parties in a Collaborative Law case voluntarily agree to resolve their matrimonial disputes without court. Clients can be creative, work with their spouse, and be friendly toward each other throughout the process. This is a non-adversarial process. After signing an agreement to commit to the collaborative law process, the parties and their attorneys work together to negotiate agreements without the threat of court. You and your spouse make important decisions about your case instead of the court.
In a Collaborative Law case, each party signs a Participation Agreement committing to the negotiation process and not going to court. The parents focus on the children’s needs. The parties negotiate in good faith and openly disclose all information necessary to make important decisions. The parties and their attorneys meet face to face in 4 party meetings. The parties never step foot inside a courthouse. Other professionals like financial experts, real estate appraisers, mental health professionals (coaches, child specialists, communication experts, etc.) and other experts can be brought in to assist the parties to obtain information and make decisions. The Collaborative trained attorneys prepare all the necessary documents to memorialize the settlement and file the legal documents necessary to finalize resolutions.
In a litigation case, a complaint is filed and served upon the other party. Each party can retain their own litigation attorney. Unfortunately, the parties in litigation do not always make the child’s needs a priority. The parties rarely meet face to face outside a courtroom. Each party can retain their own expert to obtain information but if each party does this, they may wind up spending lots of money for experts to battle about their competing opinions.
Contact us now to schedule a thorough consultation with one of our experienced compassionate attorneys by calling 717-790-2403.

Family Law
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5000 Ritter Road, Suite 202, Mechanicsburg, PA 17055
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