A Protection from Abuse Order (PFA) is a Court Order that prohibits another individual from abusing another person. Under the Protection from Abuse Act, a current or former intimate partner may petition the court on behalf of themselves and their minor children for a temporary Protection from Abuse Order. The victim must include facts that demonstrate that he or she has been physically assaulted, threatened with bodily harm or is in reasonable fear of bodily harm.
The Protection from Abuse Act provides numerous protections beyond ordering the perpetrator to have no contact with the victim. The perpetrator of abuse can be evicted from any location where the victim resides. The perpetrator can also be prohibited from coming to the victim’s employment. Additionally, the perpetrator’s firearms can be confiscated. The PFA court can also award temporary custody of the children to a party and order the defendant to pay support.
Attorney Mehaffie has handled many PFA matters involving abuse, harassment, and threats against men, women and children. She has defended individuals who are falsely accused of abuse by a party who is seeking to obtain an improper advantage in custody and divorce matters. Attorney Mehaffie understands the critical interplay between PFA orders and custody matters. She helps clients understand how a PFA effects a custody order.
We are skilled at helping individuals prepare for PFA hearings and negotiating agreements. Parties do have the option of resolving a temporary PFA by consent without admission of liability or wrongdoing. We are effective in helping our clients obtain the best results in these very difficult cases.
We offer experienced representation for individuals who are falsely accused under the Protection from Abuse Act. We can also help mitigate damages where individuals have made poor choices. It is important that you contact us immediately upon receipt of a temporary PFA so that we can meet to discuss all your options. Regardless of your circumstances, we will fight for you.
Contact us now to schedule a thorough consultation with one of our experienced compassionate attorneys by calling 717-790-2403.

Family Law
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